Study To Reform Sabah Water Services Industry.

Public Engagement Survey

Subject: To conduct a Public Engagement Survey on behalf of the State Government of Sabah on Jabatan Air Negeri Sabah (JANS) staff efficiency & integrity and morale1.

(Perkara: Menjalankan Soal Selidik Awam bagi pihak Kementerian Kerja Raya Sabah mengenai kecekapan & integriti dan moral1 kakitangan Jabatan Air Negeri Sabah (JANS).)

Dear Valued Water User,

Your feedback is essential in improving the quality, efficiency, and sustainability of water services industry for Sabahan.

This survey is quick and easy to complete—it takes just 5 minutes—and all responses shall remain strictly confidential.

Every response matters, and we deeply value your time and input. By sharing your insights, you’ll play a direct role in shaping a better future for our communities. Together, we can build a reliable and sustainable water service for Sabah.

Thank you for your support and contribution!

Best regards,

Stratera Ventures Sdn Bhd
on behalf of
Kementerian Kerja Raya Sabah

Note 1. Morale is defined as the mental or emotional state of a person or group, such as their confidence, enthusiasm, or discipline.

(Nota 1. Moral ditakrifkan sebagai keadaan mental atau emosi seseorang atau kumpulan seperti keyakinan, semangat, atau disiplin mereka.)